Monday, December 15, 2008

Chilly Dogs, Get Yer Chilly Dogs. =)

You know the old saying, "If you don't like the weather in Texas, wait 5 minutes" (well, I don't know if it's old, but it's a good saying *wink*) - Well, we've been waiting all day for a change and haven't gotten one! How in the world it can be 80 degrees one day and 32 the next I have no idea. But our little dogs have some ideas for keeping warm on such a cold day!

Dudley says, "Try snuggling in a cozy blanket on a comfy bed for warmth. Napping also conserves energy which can be converted to body heat" =)

Jasper seems to think playing ball is a good way to ward off the chill:

And Mr. William can't decide whether to take Dudley's advice or Jaspers.

But the sure fire way to feel warm and fuzzy on a cold winter's afternoon is to spend it with friends.

Complete with lots of games of chase of couse. *wink*

Hope everyone stays warm and snuggly this winter evening!

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