Thursday, November 27, 2008

Here at Zen Den, on the afternoon of Thanksgiving, we're taking a moment to reflect on what we're thankful for. Our pups who are here this week wanted to contribute. =)

Haley seems to think reflecting is hard work:

Of course, more than anything, we're thankful for friends....
....lots and lots of friends. =)

We're thankful for health and agility:

Lots of water to swim in:

We're thankful for a good romp to dry off with on a nice fall day:

Thankful for a good roll in the grass:

And did we mention friends?

Here's hoping everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Tuesdays

We're gearing up for the holidays now, but where's the holiday weather? It was warm enough today for the dogs to take a dip in the water, which of course they all love!

Logan seems to be testing the waters for everyone else:

While Zeus seems to have better ideas in mind, like maybe a nap in the sun. =)

A nap seems to be what Miss Maya has in mind too, though I don't think Abby and Bogie agree with her!

Of course, if you're not into water or naps, we offer other group activities.... Like singing for instance, which Buddy and Molly are happily demonstrating here:

But naps towards the afternoon seem to get the popular vote. =)

What's better than a day in the sun with all your buddies?

Everyone stay "refreshed" this Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Frisky Fridays!

My wittiness (or as some of you may think, cheesiness!) seems to have left the building along with Elvis this afternoon, but cute pictures always seem to speak for themselves, so I leave you this Friday with a passel of pictures from Friday for your viewing enjoyment!

Everyone have a great weekend, and try to stay warm!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The cold front came rolling through today, and with it came some extra energetic canines! Cold weather always seems to make them extra spunky!

At least it certainly made Custer extra spunky!

And of course no one knows how to ham it up for the camera better than Zac!

It was retriever-fest here today, lots of goldens and labs!

Alex seems spring loaded today!!

And of course, who can resist a golden puppy face? Mr. Melvin melts our hearts!

Just to keep on Baron's "flying feet" theme from the other day, here he is again playing with border collie mix Desi. And once again, those feet aren't touching the ground!

And speaking of flying, what's up with Rascal's ear? =)

All's fun and games when you've got a fun group!

Rascal is ready to start the running again!

And they're off!

Where's Waldo?

What better to complete a great day of daycare than a good back scratch?

Looks like Baron is giving Berklee flying lessons. Where's the aviator goggles guys?

Bogey hams it up with a cheesy grin for the cameras.

And we're not sure WHAT Nanuk is doing here. =) Maybe a little gymnastics?

And here goes the running again!

Everyone bundle up tonight, it's going to be cold! (Which I'm sure will make for some fantastic action shots tomorrow!) Until then!