Sunday, February 15, 2009

Upcoming Class Offerings at Doggie Zen Den

Approx the second week of March will start our new session of classes at Doggie Zen Den, and spaces are filling pretty quickly, so if you find yourself interested in any of these classes or have more questions, please email the instructor Jamie at or call 972-747-0222!

Basic Obedience
Wednesdays 7:00pm

- Open to all dogs all ages.
- Prerequisite: None
- $120 for six weeks
- Class Limit: Five

This 6-week class provides an opportunity to socialize your dog with
other dogs as well as people, and give your dog the skills he or she
needs to become a great mannered adult. The class will cover all basic
commands such as "sit," "down," "stand,", "stay", "Come", "go to
place," etc. All participants should arrive with their dog on a
6-foot leash, buckle or martingale collar or harness, with plenty of
treats and a blanket or mat for their dog to lie on. NO choke, chain
or pinch collars allowed.

Advanced K9 Skills 101
Tuesdays 7:00pm

- Open to puppies and dogs of all ages.
- Prerequisite: Basic Obedience or Instructor Approval
- $120 for six weeks
- Class Limit: Five

Polish your skills, or prepare for one of the many dog sports that
have become so popular with today's dog lovers! We will polish those
obedience skills to a shine, and continue work on advanced skills
including some competitive obedience work, rally obedience work,
agility prep work and more!!


We also offer private lessons on-site and board and train options so there is always something to keep you and your canine busy!!!

You can also join our obedience group email list for updates about upcoming classes and special seminars! This is a low volume group with only a few emails per month, so no need to worry about your inbox being clogged!

Click Here to Subscribe to the Doggie Zen Den Email List

We're looking forward to the chance to help you with your best friend's education!

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