Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Tuesdays

We're gearing up for the holidays now, but where's the holiday weather? It was warm enough today for the dogs to take a dip in the water, which of course they all love!

Logan seems to be testing the waters for everyone else:

While Zeus seems to have better ideas in mind, like maybe a nap in the sun. =)

A nap seems to be what Miss Maya has in mind too, though I don't think Abby and Bogie agree with her!

Of course, if you're not into water or naps, we offer other group activities.... Like singing for instance, which Buddy and Molly are happily demonstrating here:

But naps towards the afternoon seem to get the popular vote. =)

What's better than a day in the sun with all your buddies?

Everyone stay "refreshed" this Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like all the dogs must have had a busy weekend. Even Baron is laying down. Although I know that look, come on just look at me and I'll chase you down. Today, Baron is curled up on the daybed, sleeping. He was pretty tired when he got home and then off to agility training, so he will sleep most of the day. Thanks for letting us bring Baron to play with the 'big guys'. Have a great Thanksgiving and see you next week.

Baron's mom, Susan